We are a non-profit that works in the process of integral transformation of the lives of children, adolescents and families at social risk and multidimensional poverty.
How do we work?
Technology & Innovation
Partnering with Local Communities
By utilizing and adapting technologies, we can offer our students up-to-date services to enhance learning and decision making.
By nurturing relationships with likeminded organizations and private individuals, we're able to unlock new sources of capital and scale up our work far beyond what traditional funding can do alone.
Part of our team has decades of experience working in communities in the Darien, in areas such as health and education; together with a group of professionals from different areas and a valuable volunteer group of family, friends and community members.
Finance & Investing
To achieve a lasting impact, we know that we must actively involve and include the communities we seek to help. For this reason, we promote citizen co-responsibility, solidarity and subsidiarity by working together with the people of the communities where we work.